Products & services

Education: Formal & informal, Adult & Women, Community based, Distance mode etc.;

Higher, Technical, Vocational, Skills based, Job oriented etc.;

Training cum production centres;

Pre-primary, Primary, Middle, Higher, Graduation and Post graduation level;

Library management;

Livelihoods: Training & capacity building activities for farmers, entrepreneurs and consumers;

Land reforms, Watershed development;

Climate change & balanced economic development;

Agri & allied products, food processing, collectivism, marketing etc.;

Social forestry/NTFP, food processing, collectivism, marketing etc.;

Gaushala management activities;

Health care: Women & children care;

Physical, social and mental health care for all age groups;

Elderly care;

Drug de-addiction activities;

and many more philanthropic activities in and around Bhopal.